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Learn the natural way to care for your body

Pharmaceutical Antibiotic pills are a well known drug that almost every person has taken at some point in life on this planet earth. But how many of us realize the danger of such antibiotic drugs? In this article, I aim to write the many down sides of the antibiotic drug consumption and which natural medicine we can use alternatively to fight bacterial infection effectively.

Many are giving up

I am motivated to write this article because many people suffer from antibiotic side effects and the worse part is, they don't even know how this medication is effecting them. In my recent consultation, a client has mentioned that she has lost the hope to get healed as she doesn't know anymore what else to do about her health. Sadly she din't know, her health problem has started from the antibiotic drug consumption over long years and that has impacted her health to the worse.

Super-Bug caused by Antibiotic

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), antibiotic resistance is a world widespread problem because too many antibiotic prescriptions and consumption have made the bacteria to become highly resistant.

This makes them even stronger and therefor harder to be fought and kicked out from our system. They mutate, making themselves more powerful and resistant to antibiotic medicine. This means, to control their spread has become much more difficult now. Thanks to antibiotics!

Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to OUR CURRENT global health!

Antibiotic madness for viral infection

It drives me crazy all the time when I hear doctors prescribe antibiotics when a patient suffers from viral infections like flu for example. Antibiotic is a drug against bacteria NOT virus. Bacteria and virus are different biologically.

They have a different structure and different way of living in our bodies. Unlike bacteria, virus don't have a cell wall. Antibiotic drugs attack bacteria by destroying their cell wall, but virus don't have a cell wall, instead they are surrounded by a coating made of protein which protect them when they enter our bodies. For this reason antibiotics doesn't work against viruses.

Here comes the biggest problem of antibiotic drugs

Antibiotic pills do not only kill the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria. I can't stress enough on the importance of good bacteria in our gut (stomach, small intestine, colon, etc.). These good bugs live intimately and harmoniously in our bodies.

Antibiotic drugs dramatically disturb the colony of good bacteria in our gut. Many who have taken antibiotic drugs face many digestive issues afterwards.(1) For some it takes quite long months to recover from this damage, because re-populating the gut with good bacteria has become harder after taking antibiotics.


Let me break it down for you why these good bacteria are so important for our health!

Good bacteria helps us in the following tasks:

  1. They producing certain vitamins, such as vitamin B, K, and other nutritive substances from the food we eat

  2. They profoundly enhance our immune system, as 80% of our immune system is found in the gut

  3. They secrete antibacterial substances to kick out bad bacteria from colonizing our gut

  4. They make short chain fatty acids that function as anti-oxidants

  5. They help to digest the food we eat so our bodies can absorb whatever nutrients are in the food

  6. They produce enzymes which convert estrogen into its active form

  7. 90% of serotonin hormone which give us a good sleep is produced by these good bacteria

So now you tell me what can happen if these good guys are killed in the name of antibiotic?

You will have a digestion issue, you won't absorb what you eat, you can't sleep well, you will have A poor immune system, you will be malnourished, etc. ...

So the question is what can we do if we know we have a bacterial infection in our bodies? What is the alternative? The answer lays in many natural foods. Garlic, Horseradish, Oregano, Manuka honey, Onion & Echinacea are some of the most powerful God given natural antibiotics.

In this post I'll focus only on Garlic and how you should eat garlic in order to have the antibacterial effect.

Garlic is a powerful antibacterial medicine

Garlic is known to be a very effective antimicrobial food with a broad spectrum of medicinal values. Garlic has been used since ancient time as spice and as well trusted medicine for many ailments. Unlike in our modern society, Garlic has been well appreciated by physicians (doctors) in the past due to the exceptional healing qualities.

The scientific research only proving now the ability of Garlic in healing many diseases, but people in the ancient time already had this wisdom and have used garlic extensively as an effective remedy against many epidemic diseases like bubonic plaque, cholera, influenza, typhus and dysentery.

How to eat garlic for the antibacterial effects?

Roasted garlic

The best way to eat garlic for the medicinal purpose is in its RAW form. But for many to eat raw garlic is quite difficult. Therefore, you can eat lightly roasted garlic. Take around 3-6 cloves of garlic, do not peel, put in a iron pan or wok, don't add oil, roast with low fire till the skin turn light brown. Remove from pan, peel and eat them first thing in the morning.


Other ways to eat raw garlic is by fermenting the garlic. These method will ensure the medicinal qualities of the garlic are strongly intact and will give you a good result. For fermenting the garlic, simply add chopped garlic in a glass container, add apple juice till you cover all the garlic pieces and finally add some raw honey. For every 200ml apple juice you can add 1-2 tablespoons honey. Cover the glass container with a piece of cloth, secure with rubber band and leave it to ferment for 2 weeks. Then you can start to eat them.

Check out how to make Oxymel, which is another way to eat garlic.

According to traditional dosage, it is recommended to take around 3 to 6 cloves of garlic everyday to see a significant improvement. If you have a sensitive stomach, you should start taking one clove of garlic at first and slowly increase the quantity. If you make an oxymel or garlic fermentation, you can take from 1 teaspoon up to 1 tablespoon per day.

Eat garlic first thing in the morning with an empty stomach to have a better impact. If you worry about the garlic breath, then you can take garlic before going to bed so that you won't bother others with your garlic breath.

(1) Bernstein CN. The brain-gut axis and stress in inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterol Clin N Am. 2017;46(4):839–46.


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